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在并行离散事件仿真系统中实现仿真模型间的互操作机制需要引入类似HLA中定义的声明管理(DM)和数据分发管理(DDM)服务.我们开发的KD-PADSE高性能并行离散事件仿真环境采用谓词断言和对象代理方法在面向对象的并行离散事件仿真系统中实现了基于平行结构和事件调度机制的声明管理(DM)和数据分发管理(DDM)服务.在以千兆以太网互联的10节点Linux集群计算机上,采用DDM机制后仿真模型每秒(物理时间)可以进行1万次属性更新,是没有采用DDM机制时的20倍,在功能性和性能上验证了该DDM机制在并行离散事件仿真系统中的适用性.  相似文献   
动量矩守恒约束使自由漂浮柔性机械臂系统成为非完整系统,其动力学模型通常是难以求解的微分—代数方程,因此提出将机械臂系统等效为一个完整系统进行建模。假设载体存在姿态控制力矩,此时由于不存在动量矩守恒约束,系统变成一个完整系统,采用Lagrange方法建立其动力学方程;令方程中载体的姿态控制力矩为零,即得到自由漂浮机械臂系统的动力学方程;采用数值方法求解动力学方程,并将动力学分析的结果与ADAMS中仿真的结果进行对比,验证了模型能够有效模拟自由漂浮柔性机械臂系统的动力学特性。  相似文献   
针对多核集群系统所表现出的新的性能特征,提出了面向多核集群系统消息传递应用程序的并行模拟模型并设计、实现了一个并行模拟器MCPSim(Multi-core Cluster Parallel Simulator),MCPSim在功能模型和性能模型上体现了片内核间、结点内片间以及结点间等三个层次上消息通信的特点,同时支持对应用的消息数量、通信量等的百分比分布的profiling功能,采用PRIMEJ、acobi3D、NPB IS以及HPL等Benchmark程序对MCPSim进行了测试,结果表明MCPSim性能预测的精度优于BigSim,同时能够广泛应用于针对多核集群系统消息传递应用程序的性能分析中。  相似文献   
In many practical manufacturing environments, jobs to be processed can be divided into different families such that a setup is required whenever there is a switch from processing a job of one family to another job of a different family. The time for setup could be sequence independent or sequence dependent. We consider two particular scheduling problems relevant to such situations. In both problems, we are given a set of jobs to be processed on a set of identical parallel machines. The objective of the first problem is to minimize total weighted completion time of jobs, and that of the second problem is to minimize weighted number of tardy jobs. We propose column generation based branch and bound exact solution algorithms for the problems. Computational experiments show that the algorithms are capable of solving both problems of medium size to optimality within reasonable computational time. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 823–840, 2003.  相似文献   
大容量储能发电机作为脉冲电源,整流后通过逆变器向大功率脉冲负载供电。采用储能发电机直流侧并联方式工作,可以有效提高系统带载能力与可靠性。当并联运行的储能发电机转速不同时,根据转速合理分配电机释放功率可以有效提高系统工作效能,因此需要设计一种具有功率调节功能的励磁控制算法。在电压、电流双闭环控制的基础上,引入功率前馈控制,推导并求解了前馈功率与励磁电流关系以及控制参数,并根据电机初始转速设计了功率分配算法。仿真试验结果表明,功率前馈控制在励磁控制过程中起主导作用,有效分配储能电机释放功率大小,提高了励磁电流响应速度,抑制了负载功率扰动对励磁控制系统的影响。  相似文献   
装备平行仿真中的一个重要概念是实时数据驱动的模型动态演化,但是至今仍缺乏具体应用领域的实现方法。以带未知离散冲击的混合退化装备剩余寿命预测为背景,以多态Wiener状态空间模型为演化对象,提出一种装备平行仿真中模型动态演化方法,包括基于交互多模型强跟踪滤波的模型软切换和基于期望最大化算法的模型参数在线估计,并实现了基于平行仿真的装备剩余寿命实时预测。利用某轴承退化数据进行实例研究,结果表明该方法能有效提高仿真逼真度,剩余寿命预测的准确度较高、不确定性较小,具有较高工程应用价值。  相似文献   
针对拓扑检查算法复杂、计算量大,串行计算已远不能满足海量地籍数据高效拓扑检查需求的问题,在分析了点线拓扑关系的并行特点基础上,将界址点的数据划分方法与界址线的QR空间索引方法相结合,实现了界址点与界址线的并行拓扑计算。用某地区实际的界址点集与界址线集对点线拓扑并行检查进行实验。测试结果表明:并行检查算法的并行效率随着进程数的增加而有所衰减,但稳定在30%以上,加速比达到5以上,且相比于Arc GIS效率提升了30倍以上。并行检查方法以工具的方式集成应用于高性能地理计算平台中,应用效果良好。  相似文献   
介绍了一种面向移动Agent的并行计算模型,给出了采用十标度策略解决任务排序,采用满射策略解决任务映射的算法。该模型允许多个计算任务在异构主机构成的分布式环境下同时进行计算,并且通过算法优化,降低移动Agent之间的通信成本,减少网络流量。  相似文献   
We study a parallel machine scheduling problem, where a job j can only be processed on a specific subset of machines Mj, and the Mj subsets of the n jobs are nested. We develop a two‐phase heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness subject to the machine eligibility constraints. In the first phase, we compute the factors and statistics that characterize a problem instance. In the second phase, we propose a new composite dispatching rule, the Apparent Tardiness Cost with Flexibility considerations (ATCF) rule, which is governed by several scaling parameters of which the values are determined by the factors obtained in the first phase. The ATCF rule is a generalization of the well‐known ATC rule which is very widely used in practice. We further discuss how to improve the dispatching rule using some simple but powerful properties without requiring additional computation time, and the improvement is quite satisfactory. We apply the Sequential Uniform Design Method to design our experiments and conduct an extensive computational study, and we perform tests on the performance of the ATCF rule using a real data set from a large hospital in China. We further compare its performance with that of the classical ATC rule. We also compare the schedules improved by the ATCF rule with what we believe are Near Optimal schedules generated by a general search procedure. The computational results show that especially with a low due date tightness, the ATCF rule performs significantly better than the well‐known ATC rule generating much improved schedules that are close to the Near Optimal schedules. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 249–267, 2017  相似文献   
针对目标跟踪中雷达组网场景下多传感器管理问题,结合Rényi信息增量和协方差两种算法各自特性,利用并行处理的思想提出了一种基于Rényi信息增量和协方差联合控制的传感器管理算法。在具体仿真设计环节,分为传感器跟踪能力大于目标数和传感器跟踪能力小于目标数两种场景。仿真结果表明该算法在单目标匀速、多目标匀加速等多数场景下能够对目标进行有效跟踪,同时降低了传感器的切换频率,具有更好的实时性。  相似文献   
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