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Consider a birth and death process starting in state 0. Keilson has shown by analytical arguments that the time of first passage into state n has an increasing failure rate (IFR) distribution. We present a probabilistic proof for this. In addition, our proof shows that for a nonnegative diffusion process, the first passage time from state 0 to any state x is IFR.  相似文献   
This article concerns the location of a facility among n points where the points are serviced by “tours” taken from the facility. Tours include m points at a time and each group of m points may become active (may need a tour) with some known probability. Distances are assumed to be rectilinear. For m ≤ 3, it is proved that the objective function is separable in each dimension and an exact solution method is given that involves finding the median of numbers appropriately generated from the problem data. It is shown that the objective function becomes multimodal when some tours pass through four or more points. A bounded heuristic procedure is suggested for this latter case. This heuristic involves solving an auxiliary three-point tour location problem.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the single-facility and multifacility problems of the minisum type of locating facilities on the plane. Both demand locations and the facilities to be located are assumed to have circular shapes, and demand and service is assumed to have a uniform probability density inside each shape. The expected distance between two facilities is calculated. Euclidean and squared-Euclidean distances are discussed.  相似文献   
The problem dealt with in this article is as follows. There are n “demand points” on a sphere. Each demand point has a weight which is a positive constant. A facility must be located so that the maximum of the weighted distances (distances are the shortest arcs on the surface of the sphere) is minimized; this is called the minimax problem. Alternatively, in the maximin problem, the minimum weighted distance is maximized. A setup cost associated with each demand point may be added for generality. It is shown that any maximin problem can be reparametrized into a minimax problem. A method for finding local minimax points is described and conditions under which these are global are derived. Finally, an efficient algorithm for finding the global minimax point is constructed.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the Weber single-facility location problem where the demands are not only points but may be areas as well. It provides an iterative procedure for solving the problem with lp distances when p > 1 (a method of obtaining the exact solution when p = 1 and distances are thus rectangular already exists). The special case where the weight densities in the areas are uniform and the areas are rectangles or circles results in a modified iterative process that is computationally much faster. This method can be extended to the simultaneous location of several facilities.  相似文献   
We perform a sensitivity analysis of the Euclidean, single-facility minisum problem, which is also known as the Weber problem. We find the sensitivity of the optimal site of the new facility to changes in the locations and weights of the demand points. We apply these results to get the optimal site if some of the parameters in the problem are changed. We also get approximate formulas for the set of all possible optimal sites if demand points are restricted to given areas, and weights must be within given ranges, which is a location problem under conditions of uncertainty.  相似文献   
A network with traffic between nodes is known. The links of the network can be designed either as two‐way links or as one‐way links in either direction. The problem is to find the best configuration of the network which minimizes total travel time for all users. Branch and bound optimal algorithms are practical only for small networks (up to 15 nodes). Effective simulated annealing and genetic algorithms are proposed for the solution of larger problems. Both the simulated annealing and the genetic algorithms propose innovative approaches. These innovative ideas can be used in the implementation of these heuristic algorithms for other problems as well. Additional tabu search iterations are applied on the best results obtained by these two procedures. The special genetic algorithm was found to be the best for solving a set of test problems. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 449–463, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10026  相似文献   
An equity model between groups of demand points is proposed. The set of demand points is divided into two or more groups. For example, rich and poor neighborhoods and urban and rural neighborhoods. We wish to provide equal service to the different groups by minimizing the deviation from equality among groups. The distance to the closest facility is a measure of the quality of service. Once the facilities are located, each demand point has a service distance. The objective function, to be minimized, is the sum of squares of differences between all pairs of service distances between demand points in different groups. The problem is analyzed and solution techniques are proposed for the location of a single facility in the plane. Computational experiments for problems with up to 10,000 demand points and rectilinear, Euclidean, or general ?p distances illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
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