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2010年12月8日,台湾警察大学校长侯友宜一行9人在港澳台办宫艳萍处长陪同下来武警学院参观访问。学院院长杨隽与侯校长会见、会谈,并陪同侯校长一行参观了公安部重点实验室,消防工程实验室、灭火技术实验室,教学指挥管理中心、模拟演练中心、综合训练场、维和展室。  相似文献   

<正>国家教委副主任柳斌同志指出:“在某种意义上说,一个好校长就是一个好学校.”这一科学论断高度地概括了校长在学校中的重要作用.校长在学校的管理系统中处于核心地位,主导地位,决策地位,指挥地位,他的思想、言行和作用直接影响着学校工作的全局.一个好校长,必须善于在工作实践中积累丰富经验,并升华为一定的理性认识,从而形成自己的办学思想和办学特色;在教育教学改革中勇于探索,敢于创新,逐步形成一套比较完善的办学思路,并在实践中获得成功;还要善于学习,吸收营养,改善知识结构,不断更新,不断前进,不断提高思维水平.  相似文献   

莱曼──重振美国海军的功臣宫小雄小约翰·莱曼,生于1942年4月,是美国第65任海军部长。从1981年2月至1987年4月任职达六年之久,堪称美国历史上最年轻、最富有进取精神和最有作为的一位海军部长。为挽救日益衰落的美国海军,他顶着各种压力领导美国海...  相似文献   

<正>国家教委副主任柳斌同志最近指出:“在某种意义上讲,一个好的校长,就是一所好的学校.”这无疑道出了校长在学校工作中的地位和重要性.身为校长,回顾几月的学习,深知责任重大.实行“校长负责制”以后,集行政管理权、人事调配权、材务管理权于一身,并非每个人都能堪此重负.要当好校长,能将权力运用自如,并井有条,忙而不乱,就需要讲究领导艺术.否则,事倍功半,甚至劳而无功.自己忙里忙外、忙上忙下,学校却未必能管理好.  相似文献   

<正>应广大中小学校长的要求,也为了搭建中小学校长学习交流、共同提高的平台,《兵团教育学院学报》从2012年起特辟《优秀校长论坛》专栏,面向广大中小学校长、教育专业领域专家诚征优质稿件,以期对中小学校长的专业化发展、规范学校管理、促进学校的发展和教育质量的提高起到推进作用。征稿内容是有关中小学校办学理念、管理经验、教师队伍建设等方面工作的总结和提炼。  相似文献   

<正>随着教育改革的深入,如何科学地管理学校,已经成为教育部门和全社会所关注的热点.学校管理千头万绪,是一项比较复杂的工作,它存在着人与人、人与物等方面的关系.只有处理好各方面的关系,才能科学地管理好学校,才能切实地、正确地贯彻党的教育方针、政策,才能顺利地进行教学工作、培养合格的社会主义接班人.作为一位校长,在这千头万绪中,要处理好各种关系的前提则是正确对待组织、自己和群众.就目前来说,这是做好学校管理工作的三要素.  相似文献   

<正>校长培训工作“是全面贯彻落实党和国家教育方针,改革和发展我国基础教育事业,不断提高教育质量的一项十分紧迫的战略任务”,其目的是通过培训进一步提高校长的理论素质、政策水平和管理能力,进一步转变教育思想、更新教育观念,逐步形成一支适应基础教育改革和发展需要的政治强、作风正、业务精、善管理的校长队伍并努力造就一批教育改革和科学管理的带头人,从而保证教育目标的实现.由于校长是学校一切活动的主导者,其管理水平的高低,直接决定着教育活动  相似文献   

从学历教育向任职教育转型是适应中国特色新军事变革发展的需要,对军队院校的教学是一场深刻的变革。理念的转型是教学转型的前提,任职教育要牢固树立以问题为中心的教学新理念。在任职教育的具体实施上,要把巧设提问作为重要环节,注重任职学员已有的经验和背景知识,设计多角度、多层次、多方面的综合性问题,营造宽松和谐的学习氛围。任职教育要采用问题型教学法,文章探讨了研讨式、案例式、启发式三种教学法的实质和运用。  相似文献   

<正>在社会主义市场经济不断推进,经济发展突飞猛进的新形势下,学校教育管理与改革已滞后于社会发展的需要,使得教育面临着严峻的挑战,同时,也给校长们提出了更高的要求.做为一校之长,要想出色地完成领导任务,发挥领导效能,就必须具备较高的领导素质.由于学校领导不同于社会其他行业的领导,有其特殊的管理规律,因此,学校的特殊教育环境要求校长必须具有适应教育工作需要的相对稳定的素养和品质.素养,是一种心理品德;品质,是指思想、道德的本质.根据学校工作的实际,笔者认为在新形势下校长应具有以下几种素质.  相似文献   

调查任职院校国防生自尊、自我效能感状况及其个性特征,为任职培训期间开展教育和管理工作提供参考。采用自尊量表(SES)、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)以及自编问卷方法,对535名任职院校国防生进行调查。结果显示:任职院校国防生自尊水平与专业、是否学员骨干等因素有关;自我效能水平与居住地等因素有关;任职院校国防生人格特征与军校生和军人群体相对接近,但与大学生群体有所不同。可见,对任职院校国防生进行教育管理时,应该重点从提高国防生的自尊和自我效能感水平入手,更好地维护和提高国防生在任职培训期间的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

The latest general elections in Mozambique, in December 2004, saw the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) emerging as a clear victor—its third national election victory since the start of the multiparty system. FRELIMO has now governed Mozambique continuously since independence in 1975. Its candidate, Armando Guebuza, has become Mozambique's third president, following Samora Machel (who died in 1986 while in office) and the current president, Joaquim Chissano, who stood down in February 2005.

For Mozambique's political elite, whose image was greatly damaged by corruption scandals and the related murder of well-known journalist Carlos Cardoso in 2000, challenging tasks lie ahead. Part of the challenge entails bringing people back into formal politics, as the December 2004 elections showed a poor turnout. Even more worrying, when one considers the historical distrust between the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO) and FRELIMO, was the almost complete lack of political voices other than these two main contenders. RENAMO emerged with 27 fewer parliamentary seats than it had held before the election, and no other party made it into parliament. FRELIMO will therefore meet little opposition in the next five years. But will the change of presidency in Mozambique offer opportunities for a fresh approach to the country's problems?  相似文献   

基于武汉大学发布的精密星历,计算了2013年1月至2015年9月北斗广播星历的轨道、钟差和空间信号测距误差并对其进行了统计分析评估。结果表明:北斗卫星的径向精度总体上优于0.7m、法向优于1.4m,且无明显的长期变化趋势;在切向精度上,IGSO和MEO优于2.1m,GEO的切向精度已从14m左右提升至8m左右;北斗GEO、IGSO、MEO的钟差精度分别为6.3ns、4.7ns、4.3ns,所有卫星的钟差精度总体上优于6ns;所有卫星的空间信号误差SISRE精度总体上优于2m,从长期来看,MEO卫星的SISRE精度较为稳定;IGSO和GEO卫星的SISRE精度存在一定的波动。  相似文献   

The depth of penetration (DOP) method is a well-known ballistic test method for characterisation and ranking of ceramic armour materials. The ceramic tile is bonded to a backing material of semi-infinite thickness, and the penetration depth of the projectile gives a measure of the performance of the ceramic. There is, however, an inherent variability in the results from this test method. In this work, the accuracy and the variability of the DOP method has been investigated in a round robin exercise. Six ballistic test centres took part in the exercise. A test protocol was developed, in which the threat type (projectile and impact conditions) and a procedure on how to prepare the targets were specified. The targets consisted of alumina tiles of two different thicknesses that were bonded to polycarbonate backing cubes. Two different 7.62 mm armour piercing projectiles were employed; one with a hard steel core and one with a tungsten carbide core. The projectiles and the other materials all came from single material batches in order to avoid batch-to-batch variations in material properties. These materials were distributed between the ballistic test centres. The test results of the different ballistic test facilities were collected and compared. There was not a lot of variation between the average DOP values obtained at each laboratory, but the variation in penetration depth between shots was high. The consequence of this variation may be less confidence in the test results, and a statistical method was used to evaluate the required number of tests that are sufficient to obtain an average result with high confidence. In most cases, the required number of tests is much higher than what is practically feasible. This work was conducted as part of the European Defence Agency-project CERAMBALL.  相似文献   

基于武汉大学发布的精密星历,计算2013年1月至2015年9月北斗广播星历的轨道、钟差和空间信号测距误差,并对其进行统计分析评估。结果表明:北斗卫星的径向精度总体上优于0.7 m、法向精度总体上优于1.4 m,且无明显的长期变化趋势;在切向精度上,倾斜地球同步轨道和中轨道优于2.1 m,高轨道的切向精度已从14 m左右提升至8 m左右;北斗高轨道、倾斜地球同步轨道、中轨道的钟差精度分别为6.3 ns, 4.7 ns, 4.3 ns;所有卫星的钟差精度总体上优于6 ns;所有卫星的空间信号误差精度总体上优于2 m,从长期来看,中轨道卫星的空间信号误差精度较为稳定;倾斜地球同步轨道和高轨道卫星的空间信号误差精度存在一定的波动。  相似文献   

This article argues that whereas the waves of democratization which enveloped the continent in the early 1990s following the collapse of Eastern European one-party socialism genera ted expectations of a ‘new dawn’ for ‘good governance’ and sustainable human development on the continent, one wave after another appears to have suffered serious setbacks. Indeed, a decade later, some of the most articulate pro-democracy leaders, who came into office on the crest of the democratic waves of the 1990s have sought to manipulate their countries' constitutions in order to perpetuate their presidential tenure. Such undemocratic behaviour will only fuel speculation in the industrialized world that the New Partnership for Africa's Development is just another decorative blue-print drawn up by beleaguered African despots in order to obtain new resource inflows at a time the international community under the hegemonic leadership of the Uni ted States will be wholly preoccupied with rebuilding post-Saddam Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian roadmap.  相似文献   

There would be few who could conclude that the African Union (AU) or its predecessor covered themselves in glory during the Madagascan crisis. Indeed, the organisations consistently went out of their way to accommodate the views of the incumbent, refusing to take a strong stand on agreements reached when these were no longer expedient to Ratsiraka. By concentrating on minutiae it diverted its gaze from the bigger picture, in which electoral fraud loomed large. If final proof was wanted of this it came in the parliamentary results a year after the flawed first round of presidential elections. Ultimately the AU found itself floundering in the wake of developments, and was irrelevant to the solution of Madagascar's political crisis. Other international actors eventually played a far more constructive role as they sought to engage and encourage the new government.  相似文献   

Whistleblowing has gained increasing media attention over the past 40 years, as incidents of abuse and wrongdoing associated with businesses, religious institutions, the media and politics have come to light. In this article, we investigate the consequences of a military whistleblower’s actions for both himself and the military institution that he was a part of. The case concerns former army officer Dr. Tom Clonan and his findings concerning the bullying and sexual harassment of female personnel in the Irish Defence Forces at the turn of the century. As these revelations came to light over 17 years ago we are able to examine their consequences for the military since that time.  相似文献   

"老西藏精神"是驻藏部队、地方援藏干部与西藏各族人民群众一道,在长期艰苦卓绝的革命斗争实践中不断积累形成的宝贵精神财富,"特别能吃苦、特别能忍耐、特别能战斗、特别能创业、特别能奉献"是对这一精神丰富内涵的生动概括。在半个多世纪里,"老西藏精神"激励着驻藏官兵戍边卫国,激励着无数西藏建设者扎根西藏、建设西藏。进入新世纪新阶段,大力弘扬"老西藏精神",对于我们更好地贯彻落实十七大精神,大力推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标,全面履行新世纪新阶段我军肩负的历史使命,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

We study the supplier relationship choice for a buyer that invests in transferable capacity operated by a supplier. With a long‐term relationship, the buyer commits to source from a supplier over a long period of time. With a short‐term relationship, the buyer leaves open the option of switching to a new supplier in the future. The buyer has incomplete information about a supplies efficiency, and thus uses auctions to select suppliers and determine the contracts. In addition, the buyer faces uncertain demand for the product. A long‐term relationship may be beneficial for the buyer because it motivates more aggressive bidding at the beginning, resulting a lower initial price. A short‐term relationship may be advantageous because it allows switching, with capacity transfer at some cost, to a more efficient supplier in the future. We find that there exists a critical level of the switching cost above which a long‐term relationship is better for the buyer than a short‐term relationship. In addition, this critical switching cost decreases with demand uncertainty, implying a long‐term relationship is more favorable for a buyer facing volatile demand. Finally, we find that in a long‐term relationship, capacity can be either higher or lower than in a short‐term relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

摘要:鸦片战争后,中国边疆危机纷至沓来。晚清政府在不到30年的时间里,三次调整边防策略,相继形成了“郅治保邦”、“海防与塞防并重”和“保藩固圉”的边防政策,这在一定程度上遏制了帝国主义的兵锋战火。但又造成了“和”不能争主权、“战”不能取胜利的被动局面,加剧了清政府的民族危机、边防危机和统治危机。  相似文献   

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