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军队科研机构推进国防知识产权转化运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队科研机构作为国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,承担了大量科技创新任务,产生了许多具有自主知识产权的高水平科技成果,推动军队科研机构国防知识产权转化运用,是贯彻军民融合发展战略的必要途径。分析了军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的现状及制约转化的现实障碍,并结合实际探讨了推进军队科研机构国防知识产权转化的建议举措。  相似文献   

蔡华悦  未志元 《国防科技》2017,38(5):007-011
世界主要军事力量认识到人工智能这一新科技的影响力,并积极置身于这一新的发展机遇。文章从公开的报道的信息来源,整理分析中、美、俄、以四国的军事人工智能发展现状。研究表明,人工智能技术作为当今科技热点,正在以前所未有的方式影响我们生活的方方面面,也深刻的改变着军事领域的作战方式、作战理论。  相似文献   

分析了军事技术创新主体的含义,指出了军事技术创新主体的创新特征,即经济条件约束下的创新;战争需求影响下的创新;科技发展推动的创新;阶段与过程相协同的创新,并对军事技术创新主体的历史性从4个不同历史阶段进行了分析。  相似文献   

马晓雷  李正伟  李平 《国防科技》2021,42(3):98-106
美国能够保持军事技术的长期领先与其稳定的军事科研投入和科学的资助策略密不可分,但以往研究存在切入角度单一、关注领域有限、缺少长时间跨领域研究等不足。本文基于Web of Science数据库收录的2010年至2020年美国军方机构参与资助的科研项目文献数据,分析了美军长期关注的主要研究方向和重点研究领域以及美军主要资助机构及其各自的侧重领域。研究结果表明,美国军方以国防战略目标为根本,超前谋划军事科研资助,坚持基础研究和颠覆性技术研究的平衡,军方主要资助机构重视前沿科技领域,积极开展跨部门跨领域以及跨国合作。该研究对了解美国军事科研资助策略提供了新的视角,对促进我国军事科技发展有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article explains why Singapore, despite its small size and semi-authoritarian regime, retains one of the best military forces in the Indo-Pacific. It unpacks Singapore’s ability to continuously innovate since the 1960s – technologically, organizationally, and conceptually – and even recently joined the Revolution in Military Affairs bandwagon. Drawing from the broader military innovation studies literature, this article argues evolutionary peacetime military innovation is more likely to occur in a state with a unified civil–military relation and whose military faces a high-level diverse set of threats. This argument explains how the civil–military fusion under the People’s Action Party-led government since Singapore’s founding moment has been providing coherent and consistent strategic guidance, political support, and financial capital, allowing the Singapore Armed Forces to continuously innovate in response to high levels and diversity of threats.  相似文献   

The conclusion of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan at the end of 2014 has generated substantial uncertainty about the duration and level of international commitment to Afghanistan. The fate of local allies of international forces is therefore deeply in doubt. This article is of necessity speculative rather than empirical, but it attempts to draw on the history of previous intervention in Afghanistan as well as more general patterns of local and external alliance to sketch plausible scenarios for the fate of local allies. It proceeds in four parts. First, it draws distinctions between different types of local allies in Afghanistan based on position and relationship to the Afghan state and an external actor. Second, it examines the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan for relevant lessons for the fate of local allies. Third, it presents a scenario based on the foregoing that assumes there will be an ongoing small but significant international military presence and accompanying resources. Fourth, it presents a scenario that assumes there will be no or minimal international military presence and accompanying resources.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the booming literature on civil war. It presents the major theoretical perspectives and key empirical results on the determinants of civil war. The paper identifies controversies in the field and suggests ways to improve and organize our research. The conclusion outlines possible future directions for research on civil wars.  相似文献   


Andrew W. Marshall, who shaped the way in which contemporary international security experts think about strategy, has been mostly associated with the invention of net assessment. The intellectual sources of this analytical technique, and of the related competitive strategies concept, could be traced to Marshall’s efforts to uncover Soviet post-World War II defense transformations. This article outlines the essence of these Soviet innovations – the empirical frame of reference that inspired Marshall. It provides a new perspective on the history of the net-assessment methodology, advances the debate within strategic studies over the nature of military innovations, and offers insights for experts examining defense transformations worldwide.  相似文献   

党益民是近年来在文坛上崛起的优秀作家。他扎根武警交通部队30余年,创作了几部反映川藏、青藏筑路养路官兵生活的小说和报告文学,多次获国内文学领域的重量级奖项,掀起了新军旅文学的阅读热潮,被称为“党益民现象”。从其作品题材选择的精度与密度、主题思想的厚度和高度与写作技巧的纯度与力度出发,解读蕴藏在其创作中的精神坚守价值的历史穿透力,以更好地理解我们这个时代的军威军魂。  相似文献   

The empirical international conflict literature has given much recent attention to interstate armed force’s impact on human well-being. While empirical research has advanced our understanding of the phenomenon considerably, we argue that one conclusion that many studies have reached is preliminary. Some recent research contends that only full-scale war, and not force short of war, has a discernable impact on human welfare or physical quality of life (PQOL). We develop theory on one type of force short of war, large-scale foreign military intervention (FMI), and its potential effects on PQOL. Using interrupted time series and panel corrected standard error methodologies, we find that from 1960 to 2005 large-scale FMI had a statistically and substantively significant impact on the PQOL of populations in 106 developing countries. The specific effect that this type of armed force has depended in large part on the regime type of the target country.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold. First, this article contributes to the understanding of the origins of maneuver warfare as the capstone doctrine of the Marine Corps. It does so by identifying a second source that fostered change in the Marine Corps – one in addition to disquiet about the conduct of the war in Vietnam – which stemmed from the challenges posed by the United States' post-Vietnam strategic and military reorientation. And second, this article examines the influence of organizational culture, or identity, on innovation in the Marine Corps. A critical strand in the growing literature on military innovation focuses on organizational culture and how it influences the behavior and responses of particular military organizations. This article contributes to this literature by analyzing the influence of the organizational culture of the Marine Corps in shaping what was deemed an appropriate response to the challenges it confronted in the 1970s.  相似文献   

介绍了主体概念并对军事技术创新主体的概念进行了探讨,分析了军事技术创新主体的2个特征,①战争需求与经济条件约束下的创新:②阶段创新与过程创新的协同性.在此基础上,提出了军事技术创新主体系统是耗散结构系统的论断.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络作为一种全新的监测系统被广泛认为是军用侦查探测系统的发展方向,已经成为国际军事领域研究热点。在总结了几种无线传感器网络体系结构的基础上,针对军用领域特定的性能需求,对这些体系结构进行了比较。  相似文献   

军事语言学的确立,填补了我国军事学学科体系中的一项空白,具有开创性的意义。《军事语言研究》学术期刊的创办,必将把这一新兴学科推向新的发展阶段。创办《军事语言研究》学术期刊,有其进行理论研究和推进部队现代化建设的现实需要。基于一年多的办刊实践,从注重创新性、突出办刊特色、不断拓展和延伸刊物内涵三个方面探讨了该刊的发展战略问题。  相似文献   

21世纪的纳米科技与纳米军事   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳米军事是纳米科技应用发展的重要方面,并将成为21世纪战场的主宰.纳米武器将使人们重新认识军事领域中数量与质量的关系,产生全新的战争理念,使武器装备的研制与生产向质量、智能的方向发展,从而变革未来战争的面貌和形态.  相似文献   

军事法学基础理论研究水平的高低,直接反映了这一学科理论创新发展的程度.基础理论研究的不断深化,有助于促进学科理论体系趋于成熟和完善.近年来,军事法学基础理论研究不断深入发展,在诸多方面取得了重要研究成果.军事法学研究者围绕军事法的概念与调整范围、军事法的独立部门法地位、军事权、军事法体系以及军事法学研究方法等学科基础问题进行了富有成效的创新研究,有力提升了军事法学理论研究的学术水准,将军事法学研究推进到新的发展阶段.  相似文献   

刘鹤松  汪洋  李首亮 《国防科技》2017,38(5):026-030
学术界对于大数据相关问题的研究,从2009年大数据之初就已经开始。目前军事领域对大数据的研究逐步深入,主要围绕大数据对军事领域的影响及挑战、大数据技术在军事领域中的应用等展开,呈现出重点突出、角度多样、不断细化等特征,但在研究的系统性和全面性上还存在一些不足,这些不足将成为进一步拓展和深化研究的重点。  相似文献   

The laser technology has made remarkable progress over the past couple of decades.It is being widely employed in diverse domains,such as holography,space sciences,spectroscopy,medical sciences,micro and power electronics,industrial engineering,and most distinctively,as directed energy military weapons.Owing to their active transmissions,laser systems are similar to microwave radars to some extent;however,unlike conventional radars,the laser operates at very high frequencies thus making it a potent enabler of narrow-beam and high energy aerial deployments,both in offensive and defensive roles.In modern avionics systems,laser target indicators and beam riders are the most common devices that are used to direct the Laser Guided Weapons(LGW)accurately to the ground targets.Additionally,compact size and outstanding angular resolution of laser-based systems motivate their use for drones and unmanned aerial applications.Moreover,the narrow-beam divergence of laser emissions offers a low probability of intercept,making it a suitable contender for secure transmissions and safety-critical operations.Furthermore,the developments in space sciences and laser technology have given syner-gistic potential outcomes to use laser systems in space operations.This paper comprehensively reviews laser applications and projects for strategic defense actions on the ground or in space.Additionally,a detailed analysis has been done on recent advancements of the laser technology for target indicators and range-finders.It also reviews the advancements in the field of laser communications for surveillance,its earlier state of the art,and ongoing scientific research and ad-vancements in the domain of high energy directed laser weapons that have revolutionized the evolving military battlefield.Besides offering a comprehensive taxonomy,the paper also critically analyzes some of the recent contributions in the associated domains.  相似文献   

大学生创新能力是现代社会发展到新阶段时对高校教育的新要求,但由于教育体制和客观条件的制约,大学生创新能力未能被提高到一定高度。科研能力与创新能力密切相关,因此,借助科研活动对大学生创新能力进行培养,可以实现相辅相成,具有现实意义。本文对当前我国大学生创新能力现状和影响因素进行了分析,并阐述了科研在创新能力培养中的作用,最后提出了依靠科研提升大学生创新能力的方法。对当前大学生的素质教育具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The existing guidelines for security sector reform (SSR) tend to draw on theoretical work in the field of civil–military relations, which in turn has been derived from Western, liberal democratic models of governance. Although guidelines strongly advise that local culture and context need to be considered when drawing up objectives for post-conflict SSR programmes, this is not often reflected in practice. This article considers some of the reasons for this, citing both in-country challenges and donor-related issues, and suggests that one of the biggest problems is a lack of alternative, non-orthodox models of civil–military relations to draw upon. It is further suggested that elements of suitable alternative models may be found in states which possess political structures not entirely dissimilar to the Western, liberal democratic ideal, but which can offer different perspectives. Detailed research of these structures should produce a pool of sub-models which could then be employed to create bespoke, culturally appropriate objectives for use in post-conflict SSR programmes.  相似文献   

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