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胡光正 《国防》2010,(7):4-6
6月3日,中央军委主席胡锦涛签署命令,发布新修订的《中国人民解放军内务条令》、《中国人民解放军纪律条令》和《中国人民解放军队列条令》(统称"共同条令"),自2010年6月15日起施行。为便于理解和掌握共同条令的基本精神,本刊邀请部分参与共同条令修改的专家,撰写了这组文章。  相似文献   

任志强  朱宇星 《国防》2007,(11):F0004-F0004
为借鉴外军制定共同条令的有益经验,总参谋部军务部和军事科学院军队建设研究部组成中国人民解放军共同条令考察团,在军事科学院军队建设研究部胡  相似文献   

比喻是一种密切联系着作家生活和思想的修辞手段。不同的人运用比喻会有不同的特点。这些特点能造成作品的不同色彩、气氛、境界和格调,从而产生不同的审美效果,而这些正是构成作家语言风格的诸方面因素中的一个方面。从运用比喻对,对喻体材料的选择、对比喻类型的选择以及产生表达效果的不同,可以分析出它们对形成作家语言风格起到的影响。  相似文献   

在新的共同条令颁布施行之际,学院党委高度重视,于6月25日召开了学习贯彻新的共同条令教育活动动员部署会议。学院教育活动领导小组全体成员出席了会议。  相似文献   

1997年10月7日,中央军委主席江泽民签署命令,将重新修订的共同条令颁发全军执行。这是我军正规化建设的一件大事,对进一步加强部队管理,提高部队战斗力有着十分重要的意义。 共同条令,是我军《内务条令》、《纪律条令》和《队列条令》的统称。为什么将这三部条令称之为“共同条令”呢?首先是因为这三部条令所规范的内容具有共性。  相似文献   

<正>广告自从十八世纪与商业活动发生紧密联系以来,在发达国家早已成为语言交际活动中的一个重要形式。据哈佛大学统计,美国成年人平均每天要接触到的广告达五百条之多。在我国,它的广泛运用和广为传播虽然只是近十年的事,但实践表明,其发展的规模和速度也是十分惊人的。从广告语言的角度来看,已形成了十分鲜明的两种风格——藻丽风格和朴实风格。本文试图对这两种广告语言风格的某些方面作一番考察、分析和探讨,指出广告语言运用中的一些问题,总结广告语言运用的一些规律  相似文献   

李岳安 《政工学刊》2013,(12):73-73
近年来,我陆续阅读了《毛泽东的领导艺术》、《毛泽东文选》、《毛泽东传1983~1949》、《毛泽东传1949~1976》等书籍,特地留意了毛泽东同志的语言表达艺术,从中深刻体悟到毛泽东同志扎实深厚的语言功底、幽默风趣的表达艺术、朴实简练的语言风格和巧妙灵活的表现形式。下面,试举几例与大家分享。  相似文献   

军事立法技术是军事立法学和军事立法实践的基本要素之一,而军事立法技术的基本问题,则是军事立法技术研究的逻辑起点。从军事立法技术的概念、与一般立法技术的关系、运用的基本原则等方面,对军事立法技术进行简要分析。  相似文献   

题词语言是当今生活中常见的一种语言表达形式,常见诸于报纸杂志、科研单位、院校、企业、工厂等,它一般由比较有身份、德高望重或在某一方面有建树的人来题写。本文以毛泽东题词语言为研究对象,对他的题词语言进行详细的分类,阐述了毛泽东题词语言的特点及作用,这对于我们更加深刻地了解、运用题词语言和受题词语言的启迪、指导、激励有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

龚运长 《国防》2000,(4):29-29
为认真贯彻落实新的共同条令,总参谋部提出了“机关做表率,直属队当样板”的要求。机关能不能做好表率,对勤杂人员的管理至关重要。几年来,我们把对勤杂人员的管理作为加强机关管理的一个突破口,收到了较好的效果。 勤杂人员与建制营、连的士兵相比,在许多方面有着不同的特点。从其工作上看,其任务互不交叉,独立性较强;大都有一定的技能,具有较强的专业性;工作时间不确定;服役时间长短不  相似文献   

军事刑法是普通刑法的特别法,因而,刑法的一般原则对军事刑法具有当然的指导意义,但是这些原则在军事刑法中会有特殊的体现。军事刑法保护的是国防利益、国家军事利益。但是,为了保护国防利益、国家军事利益而不当的牺牲个人权利是罪刑法定原则不允许的。法律面前人人平等原则要求,对任何人犯罪,在适用法律上一律平等。但是,由于军人具有特殊的身分,刑法对军人和非军人加以区别对待。罪刑相适应原则要求,刑罚的轻重,应当与犯罪分子所犯罪行和承担的刑事责任相适应。战时缓刑是刑罚个别化原则在军事刑法中的体现。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷形式,对155名高职新生的感知学习风格进行调查,以了解学生外语学习风格总体倾向,不同民族、性别、专业及外语学习年限不同学生学习风格的差异,并分析其学习风格与外语学习成绩间的相关性。此研究目的是帮助高职外语教师了解学生感知学习风格偏好,使教师在教学过程中因材施教并指导学生重塑外语学习风格,以便提高高职学生外语学习效率。  相似文献   

Nuclear proliferation, lax security standards in the storage of fissile materials, and international apathy in the prosecution of terrorists make nuclear terror a serious threat to the United States and its allies, yet no doctrine of retaliation has been established. To decrease the probability of terrorist use of nuclear weapons, a doctrine of retaliation—a negligence doctrine—should be considered. If the United States can distinguish whose fissile material was used for a nuclear terror event, a negligence doctrine would prescribe retaliation against that state. Where the proximate cause—terrorists—is unavailable for deterrent retaliation, deterring an accessible mediate cause—a state that has failed to adequately secure its fissile material—is one of a few effective alternatives. In the absence of such a negligence doctrine, the United States and its allies are increasingly vulnerable to a nuclear terror attack and the ensuing negative consequences.  相似文献   

Militaries rely on secure communications. Despite the permeation of cyber-systems throughout the operational environment, there is little readily available doctrine on cyber-warfare. Doctrine that does exist has not been coherently integrated. This paper introduces a Cyber Conceptual Framework, consisting of five questions pertinent to the future use of cyberspace. The authors enunciate a definition of cyberspace, expand on existing military doctrine to reject the conceptualisation of cyberspace as a domain, define cyber-conflict, define cyber-attack and describe the four components and five levels of a cyber-attack. This work develops a common framework from available doctrine and a lexicon for future discussion.  相似文献   

通过对军校战士学员英语学习策略使用的总体情况,探讨性别、所受教育程度、英语学习间断时间对英语学习策略选择的影响。结果表明,性别和所受教育程度对语言学习策略的使用没有显著影响,语言学习间断时间对语言学习策略的使用有显著影响。  相似文献   

在文献[1-4]的基础上,给出火炮射表数据处理用TrueBASICCompiler实现的程序清单和与之相关的使用说明。并介绍该程序的组成、设计特点、主要变量和使用注意事项,以及数据文件的命名法。另外还详细讨论了程序故障诊断及维护问题。  相似文献   

Multinational Military Exercises (MMEs) are often viewed by states as opportunities to increase interoperability, improve cooperation, and solve common security problems. We argue that in addition to this, MMEs work as tools to shape the shared beliefs of coalition partners surrounding threat. Specifically, MMEs allow multinational forces to identify best practices, consolidate beliefs, and codify behavior through doctrine, typically by means of some institutional process. We examine our argument on MMEs through an analysis of various multinational and coalition partner efforts to identify security threats and cooperate through the development of common doctrine at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of warfare. Our analysis suggests that the use of MMEs for doctrine development does help to socialize states in terms of identifying common threats and subsequently sharing a process by which to address them.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of the current British military joint intelligence doctrine. We argue that military intelligence doctrine is dogged by an intrinsic tension between the ethos and expectations of military doctrine and those of the professional practice of intelligence. We further argue not only that prior iterations of UK joint intelligence doctrine failed to effectively deal with this intelligence doctrine dilemma, but also that measures in the current doctrine to address this problem directly created their own problems. Moreover, as a result, otherwise sound innovations in the current UK intelligence doctrine have proven unsuitable to wider diffusion in more recent intelligence doctrine such as the new NATO intelligence doctrine which, otherwise, draws extensively on its British precursor.  相似文献   

This article had its genesis in a background study for the development of a new Australian Army counter-insurgency doctrine. Archival research showed that the Australian counter-insurgency doctrine employed in such post-1945 conflicts as Burma, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam originated in the jungle campaigns of the South West Pacific Area during World War II. The historical record also showed that the Army's counter-insurgency doctrine, as with its World War II-jungle warfare doctrine, was a pragmatic amalgam of Australian experience and British doctrine. The article traces this process through the development of a series of doctrine manuals. It also considers the contribution of key individuals to both counter-insurgency theory and practice. This distinctively Australian approach to the development of doctrine was responsible for producing a highly successful manual, The Division in Battle: Pamphlet No. 11, Counter-Revolutionary Warfare (DIB 11), which the Army used during its involvement in Vietnam.  相似文献   

教师职业口语是研究教师口语运用规律的一门应用语言学科,它包括教学口语和教育口语.教师工作主要依靠言语活动对学生传授知识,培养能力,进行教育.了解其行业口语风格的成因以及它所表现出的多方面、多层次的特征,目的是树立一个规范的标尺,更好地实现教育过程,达到教育目标.  相似文献   

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