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师玉朋  刘海林 《国防科技》2018,39(6):066-071
发展军民融合产业是各级政府落实军民融合发展国家战略的重要抓手之一。针对军民融合产业界定不清等问题,从理论研究和实践工作层面梳理既有观点及演变趋势,形成对军民融合产业的客观认识。在此基础上,剖析军民融合产业的属性特征,从指导实践工作角度出发提出三种界定军民融合产业范畴及相关统计工作的合理化思路,并提出建立两级联动工作机制、开展国家工业基础中国防科研生产能力普查工作、试点开展军民融合产业分类标准及指标体系建设工作、加强军民融合产业统计数据质量监测等政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>推动军工产业军民融合发展,既是一个长期的过程,又是一项紧迫的战略任务。这种长期性和紧迫性,要求我们必须根据我国国情军情,制定军工产业军民融合发展远期、中期和近期相结合的战略规划。通过科学合理的战略规划,明确军工产业军民融合发展的远期、中期和近期目标,并以目标为牵引,加快军民融合的进程。要保证战略规划的合理性和科学性,就必须建立科学合理的军工产业军民融合战略规划机制。  相似文献   

<正>军民融合发展涉及军地多个部门,组织协调较为复杂。很多地方政府制定了军民融合发展指导意见和战略规划,理清了发展思路,确立了发展目标,建立了领导机制、明确了任务分工,加强了本区域军民融合发展统筹管理。自党中央提出军民融合发展重大战略思想以来,各省(自治区、直辖市)党委和军区所属系统高度重视,军地各部门密切协同、全力合作,区域性军民融合发展呈现出广阔的前景。  相似文献   

<正>最近,山东省"加快军民融合发展助推新旧动能转换"专项行动在德州开展。会议分析了该省军民融合产业发展面临的有利形势,提出了实施一批军民融合重大项目、培育一批军民融合重点企业、创建一批军民融合示范基地等工作任务,进一步明确了山东省国防科技工业军民融合发展的重点。据悉,今年以来山东省组织开展了"加快军民融合发展助推新旧动能转换"专项行动,是在全省选取几个军民融合产业发展较好的市,通过邀请国家军民融合方面  相似文献   

谷鑫  郑绍钰  张文鹏 《国防科技》2017,38(5):065-074
在军民融合发展战略与创新驱动发展战略深入推进进程中,军民融合产业创新集群成为军民融合产业发展的重要创新形式,其形成问题研究更是对其发展与演化具有重要影响。以军民融合产业创新集群的内涵着手,通过刺激—反应模型与演化博弈模型,分析其形成过程与促进措施。研究表明,军民融合产业创新集群作为复杂适应系统,创新主体的适应性能力及其内在关系是集群形成的关键所在;为使合作创新行为成为演化博弈的稳定策略,从合作创新能力系数和合作创新成本、拥有的创新资源以及政府资金支持三个方面剖析集群形成的促进作用,对军民融合产业创新集群的发展与演化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

航空航天产业是英国代表性工业,也是军用航空航天技术应用到民用部门的重点产业,在全世界航空航天产品市场中均占据重要地位,该文重点分析了英国航空航天产业概况,尤其是军民融合概况,以及推动航空航天产业军民融合格局的管理机制.并在此基础上发现其对中国战略性新兴产业军民融合式发展的启示.  相似文献   

通过发挥政府资金杠杆作用,吸引和带动更多的社会资本参与我国军工产业建设,促使我国军工产业结构向"小核心、大协作"的军民一体化方向转型军民融合这一熟悉又陌生的概念几乎伴随着世界军工产业发展的全过程。熟悉在于,自从有了军工产业,军民融合几乎就被无数次提及。陌生在于,由于军工产业的相对封闭,军民究竟怎样融合为多数人所不知。在我国军工投、研、产、销体制整体变革背景下,借鉴国际经验、以投资基金等形式撬动社会资本助推军民融合发展,已成为我国军工产业发展壮大的必然选择。  相似文献   

<正>国防科技工业作为国家战略性产业,既属于国防建设的范畴,又属于经济建设的领域,是军民融合的天然载体。习近平总书记对于国防科技工业军民融合发展作出重要批示,要求国防科技工业切实担负起支撑国防军队建设,推动科学技术进步,服务经济社会发展三项光荣职责。总书记的批示充分体现了中央推动军民融合发展的战略意图,深刻阐述了国防科技工业军民融合发展的本质内涵。  相似文献   

军民融合创新示范区是军民融合产业发展的重要载体,推动军民融合创新示范区产业集聚发展是军民融合深度发展的必然要求,也是建设现代产业体系的重要抓手。本文通过总结梳理军民融合产业集聚发展的历史演变,分析当前军民融合创新示范区产业集聚现状及发展中存在的主要问题,并提出加强产业集聚发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

要进一步探索构建跨区域、跨行业、跨部门的“大协作”军民融合产业发展模式。建立军民融合综合产业园和军民产业联盟是未来促进军民融合产业发展的首要选择。  相似文献   


This paper explores some of the key issues associated with the restructuring of the defence industry. A comparison is made between the US and the European Defence Industrial Bases in terms of the drivers for change and the paradigms within which change has taken place. Having shown that some very important differences exist, the paper then explores the approaches that have been adopted for industry consolidation and references them to the academic literature on mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and strategic alliances (SAs). Given that most of the key defence players recognise the need to be global players, the paper presents an argument that the European firms’ experience of operating with a wide range of forms of corporate alliance will serve them in good stead for operating on a global defence scale. US firms, in contrast, have focused largely on M&A activity.  相似文献   

赵博文  马建光 《国防科技》2017,38(4):008-013
面对西方的制裁,俄罗斯国防工业的反制裁之路卓然有效。西方制裁从根本上说是政治目的压倒经济利益,指向俄罗斯经济的支柱产业和薄弱环节,国防工业是双方制裁与反制裁博弈的重点领域之一。俄罗斯国防工业反制裁的过程是在危机中寻找转机的过程,通过强化政府层面的顶层设计、加速国防工业综合体的中层整合、在世界武器市场中主动出击,基本上走出了制裁带来的危机,但未来发展受制于经济形势的影响,仍面临较大压力。  相似文献   

Through unprecedented access to archival documents, the author places Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin's decisions regarding the navy in the context of a national economy in ruins, bureaucratic infighting, and Stalin's own unique understanding of geopolitics and naval strategy. These documents illustrate the decidedly defensive character of Stalin's maritime conception, as it reveals the Kremlin leader's strong disposition against attempts to ‘mimic the Americans’ and pursue an ocean-going fleet. The author also discusses Stalin's lessons from the Korean War and the impact of these lessons on the subsequent development of the Soviet fleet. Finally, this study offers insights for students of asymmetric warfare, as it explores the challenges and dilemmas that confront relatively limited powers within intense rivalries.  相似文献   

“三无”船舶问题由来已久,成因复杂。从我国船舶管理和海洋开发利用的实际出发,应当改革现行做法,加强行政指导,减免行政收费,切实发挥好行业协会的自律作用。  相似文献   

化工装置灾害事故模式的研究,有益于从源头上做好灾害事故的预防工作。在介绍传统事故模式分析方法的基础上,提出了基于层次聚类法的化工装置火灾爆炸灾害事故模式分析方法,并对近20年100起相关灾害事故案例进行了模式分析研究。  相似文献   

石河子市作为新疆第三大城市,其体育产业的发展明显滞后。本文通过对石河子市体育产业现状的调查分析,阐述了该市体育产业发展的不足之处,旨在为石河子市体育产业向健康、可持续的方向发展提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, new data from the south west of England are used to illustrate that defence dependent firms are likely to purchase more inputs locally than less defence‐dependent firms. The results confirm that the defence industry's supply chain has unusual characterises and that defence industrial restructuring is therefore, likely to produce different outcomes to previous rounds of manufacturing restructuring.  相似文献   

煤化工作为能源战略发展深加工项目,近几年发展很快也导致火灾爆炸事故频发,造成的损失非常巨大,火灾调查工作非常繁重复杂.从煤化工火灾危险性入手,从火灾调查的组织指挥、现场调查访问、现场勘验分析、综合分析等方面详细论述了煤化工火灾爆炸事故的原因调查.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is the future of the defence firm within the context of the UK aerospace industry and its supply chain. The analysis considers aerospace markets and the aerospace industry in the UK before assessing the future of the defence/aerospace firm as a case study. The paper concludes that its future in terms of the strategic and important aerospace industry is uncertain. The corporate governance of the defence firm will have to change to reflect the hollowing‐out of the firm as the industry experiences significantly less vertical integration. The emphasis of the future defence/aerospace firm will be on ‘buy’ and not necessarily ‘make’. There will also be fewer independent defence aerospace firms as horizontal integration will occur across air, land and sea platforms as well as civil and defence aerospace firms. Indeed, conglomerate integration may even occur with cost pressures and market forces ensuring that merger activity goes beyond defence and aerospace into wider manufacturing industries and, in some cases, service industries in global markets.  相似文献   

In this article, we define a scheduling/packing problem called the Job Splitting Problem, motivated by the practices in the printing industry. There are n types of items to be produced on an m‐slot machine. A particular assignment of the types to the slots is called a “run” configuration and requires a setup cost. Once a run begins, the production continues according to that configuration and the “length” of the run represents the quantity produced in each slot during that run. For each unit of production in excess of demand, there is a waste cost. Our goal is to construct a production plan, i.e., a set of runs, such that the total setup and waste cost is minimized. We show that the problem is strongly NP‐hard and propose two integer programming formulations, several preprocessing steps, and two heuristics. We also provide a worst‐case bound for one of the heuristics. Extensive tests on real‐world and randomly generated instances show that the heuristics are both fast and effective, finding near‐optimal solutions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

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