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新时代高校党建工作创新与品牌建设是当前高等教育发展的重要议题。本文从高校党建工作创新和品牌建设的角度出发,探讨了新时代背景下,如何通过创新党建工作方式和培育品牌特色,推动高校党的建设与高等教育事业发展相互促进。  相似文献   

为了更好地推动西部大开发的实施,积极发展西部地区的高等教育,加快开发中急需人才的培养步伐,教育部实施了“对口支援”西部地区高等学校的计划。在“对口支援”实施过程中,支援高校与受援高校作为不同的主体,面对着不同的环境和条件。本文用SWOT分析法研究“对口支援”的双方学校,以识别各种优势、劣势、机会和威胁因素,对支援高校与受援高校的综合情况进行客观公正评价,并对高校“对口支援”政策的障碍与问题进行了梳理。  相似文献   

期刊的传统风格特色是创办品牌、名牌期刊的基础,是其构成要素的一部分。要将期刊办成品牌期刊、名牌期刊,就必须把它过去的风格特色继承下来、传承下去,这是实施精品战略,锻造品牌期刊的基础和前提。论述了品牌期刊的价值构成及要素,并对如何培育锻造品牌期刊作了一些有益的探讨。  相似文献   

2001年,教育部启动对口支援西部地区高等学校计划,北京大学、清华大学等13所高校为支援高校,采取一对一的方式,实施对受援高校的支援和全方位合作。截至目前,支援高校增至64所,受援高校达到38所。  相似文献   

阅读提示:兵团企业在激烈的市场竞争中要进一步发展壮大,必须重视企业品牌创建。本期"新闻会客厅"特邀兵团党委党校副教授袁敏芳,与大家一起探讨兵团企业实施品牌战略存在的问题与对策。  相似文献   

构建军事学术期刊品牌的目的是提高军事期刊办刊质量,全面提升学术影响力,为部队打胜仗提供理论支持。构建军事学术期刊品牌应根据自身特点进行科学定位,制订切实可行的发展规划,选择适合本单位军事学术期刊的具体思路加以实施,全面提高军事学术期刊的品牌形象和质量。  相似文献   

“对口支援”西部高校工作开展以来,西部高校在支援高校的大力支持和援助下,学科建设、师资培养和管理水平均取得了显著的进步。这归因于支援高校为西部高校构建了广阔的社会网络,获得了所需的社会资本,得到了所需的学术资源。本文力求不仅要重视“对口支援”西部高校的直接社会援助,而且要高度重视“对口支援”西部高校所建立的社会网络和所获得社会资本。在“对口支援“西部高校政策框架下,充分发挥社会资本对西部高校发展的增值效应,进一步提升维系西部高校发展的策略空间。  相似文献   

为深入实施创新驱动发展战略和西部大开发战略,加强科技创新对西部地区经济社会发展的支撑能力,助推西部地区转型发展,国家发改委和中科院近日联合制定并发布《科技助推西部地区转型发展行动计划(2013-2020年)》。《计划》提出,到2020年,建  相似文献   

东西部高校对口支援实施十年来,西部受援高校实现了跨越式发展。本文运用后发优势理论,在综合分析受援高校借助对口支援充分发挥后发优势的经验基础上,对其中存在的问题作出反思,并有针对性地提出对策建议,以期为对口支援工作的持续健康快速发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

关于新时期高校党校教育有效性的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前政治、经济、科学技术发展的新形势下,高校党校只有提高教育实效,才能实现党校的功能,保持党校的生命力。文章从党校教育内容、对象、形式、手段等方面,提出了高校党校提高教育实效的对策,即以教学内容体系的创新来实施“示范工程”;以扩展培训对象来实施“规模工程”;以教育形式和手段创新来实施“品牌工程”;以加强科学研究来实施“质量工程”。  相似文献   

武警院校图书馆要以提供优质的信息服务为着眼点,不断创新服务理念、服务方法和服务手段,并通过各项措施保障优质信息服务,达到创建武警高校名牌图书馆的目的。  相似文献   

新型防火板材是钢结构防火技术新的发展方向,结合钢结构防火保护技术的发展与现状,对GF防火板(1100℃级轻质无石棉硅酸钙防火板)、高温耐火胶粘剂以及用GF防火板保护钢结构的方法进行了深入的研究,并与目前大量使用的钢结构防火涂料作对比,探讨了新型防火板材在技术性能和工程施工方面的优势。  相似文献   

Firms form various alliances or use brand extensions to enter new markets in order to improve their operational efficiency and create a positive spillover. However, they do not always know the implications of these strategies for market entry and multimarket competition because the sale of products in one market can have negative spillover effects on product sales in other markets. We present an analytical framework to examine whether and how (i.e., by choosing alliance entry or independent entry) competing firms should enter a market in a situation where market spillovers occur when a firm enters a spillover-producing market to sell products that may increase or decrease the consumers' willingness to pay for products in the primary market. Our analysis shows that the operational efficiency (or quality differentiation ability) of firms in a spillover-producing market varies, and hence, the impact of market spillovers differs for firms. We identify the key factors, such as bargaining power, brand value difference in the primary market, and the extent of efficiencies and spillovers, that determine the firms benefitting from the different entry strategies. Specifically, we show that firms would be more willing to choose an alliance strategy to enter a spillover-producing market if the negative spillover is small and alliance efficiency is high. In contrast, if an alliance entry is not favored, the firms' relative operational efficiency is crucial for them to decide whether to enter the market independently under moderate spillover conditions. Finally, we show the implications of market entry strategies for managers.  相似文献   

通过争创优质课的实践和体会,探讨了创建优质课的目的、内涵和关键问题。创建优质课的目的旨在倡导:高等学校的第一职能是教学,质量是生命线,鼓励教师精心施教;优质课的内涵是“系统工程”,它至少应包括教学思想、教师水平、教学方式、教材配备、教学效果等;优质课的关键在于教师;优质课的灵魂在于创新,必须冲破传统教学的束缚,树立新思维,建立新标准,创立新课型。  相似文献   

三方物流联盟已成为现代物流发展的必由之路,通过研究重庆邮政和重庆港务集团所建立的三方物流联盟的运行和管理模式,提出了三方物流联盟的流程重组、信息衔接和组织管理模式等,研究了利用信息化集成手段对物流资源进行重组、形成具有多个核心竞争能力和更广泛用户的三方物流联盟方法.对于构筑和优化三方物流联盟、促进现代物流业深入发展具有一定借鉴作用.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of alliance membership on the defense burdens of major powers in the 19th and 20th centuries. We hypothesize that the reactions of states to alliance membership will be different in the pre‐nuclear and nuclear eras. Possession of nuclear weapons by allies makes the security provided by the alliance more akin to a collective good than is the case in the pre‐nuclear era. States join alliances for two reasons: security and autonomy. The effects of each of these concerns are identified. We include in our model such alliance‐level factors as the power equivalence of the allies and the number of states in the alliance. We also look at state‐level variables such as power position within the alliance. We conclude that the nuclear period generally operates as the free‐rider principle would posit, while models based on “complementarity of effort” are more applicable in the earlier period.  相似文献   


This paper employs the concept of smart power to construct an analytical framework for assessing wartime alliance management. It makes two arguments. First, wartime sources of soft power differ from those obtaining during peacetime. Second, the coerciveness with which an alliance leader wields hard power towards actual or prospective allies should vary inversely with the amount of soft power it possesses. The smart power framework illuminates three types of alliance management failure. The paper’s key contentions are illustrated with examples furnished from the record of US alliance leadership since World War II.  相似文献   

The strategic defense initiative (SDI) intends to renew the leadership of the USA on the western alliance. The initiative takes place in a period when a summation technology prevails for the aggregation of contributions of NATO allies. We investigate if SDI induces a shift in Hirshleifer’s social composition function. Panel data tests over the period 1970–1990 do not confirm any break toward a best-shot aggregator. SDI does not alter the core of deterrence. It is indeed a public good at the US level but not at the NATO level, where, it is one of the joint products of the alliance. We also investigate the lessons to be drawn for the current debates on ballistic defense.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between alliance conflict and international trade. Two schools of thought exist on this issue: some prominent writers suggest that alliance conflict reduces trade between two countries (the externality cost argument), while others suggest that it increases trade between certain countries at the cost of others (the alignment incentive argument). The study empirically tests the two propositions by analyzing the data on trade and conflict during the post‐WWII period. It is found that the relationship between trade and alliance conflict is statistically significant. The externality cost phenomenon occurs to allies, whereas the alignment incentive argument is true of neutrals. In addition, the findings of this study support the fundamental assumptions and major results in the studies of trade and conflict at the dyadic level.  相似文献   

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