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刑法第一百五十二条:“惯窃、惯骗或者盗窃、诈骗、抢夺公私财物数额巨大的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑;情节特别严重的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,可以并处没收财产。”  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(七)》对原刑法规定的侵犯军用标志的犯罪进行了修正,但其规定还存在一些立法疏漏和缺陷,有必要予以改进。《刑法修正案(七)》中的罪名应立法化,由立法机关确定;增设非法生产、伪造、变造、盗窃、抢劫、抢夺、破坏、侮辱武装部队专用标志的行为和伪造、变造、盗窃、非法提供、使用、非法出租、出借、赠送武装部队制式服装的行为;犯罪对象应包括制式服装的标志服饰、军服专用材料和军服仿制品;刑罚种类应增加剥夺政治权利;增加非法生产、买卖武装部队制式服装罪的情节加重犯的法定刑。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百六十八条规定:“以营利为目的,聚众赌博或者以赌博为业的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,可以并处罚金。”赌博,是剥削阶级骄奢淫逸、腐化堕落生活方式的组成部分。它往往导致家庭不和、自杀、斗殴、贪污腐化、抢劫盗窃等案件的发生,危害很大。  相似文献   

义务兵服役期间,其家庭由当地人民政府发给优待金或给予其他优待,优待标准不低于当地平均生活水平。——《军人抚恤优待条例》第三十一条解读:本条规定优待对象为义务兵的“家庭”,而不是“家属”, 因此按标准发给的优待金或者其他优待应该作为一个整体针对其家庭发放;“其他优待”,主要是指优待金以外的政治优待、实物优待  相似文献   

我国《个人所得税法》第一条第1、2款对纳税人的征税范围作了明确规定:“在中国境内有住所,或者无住所而在境内居住满一年的个人,从中国境内和境外取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税。”“在中国境内无住所又不居住或者无住所而在境内居住不满一年的个人,从中国境内取得的所得,依照本法规定缴纳个人所得税。”根据本条1、2款的规定,可以将纳  相似文献   

被告人阿某吉某于1990年10月至1991年1月受聘任联防队员。在1992年9月至11月执行巡逻任务时追回、拾回犯罪分子盗窃的汽车轮胎、铝片等价值1万余元的运输物资。二被告人除将部分物品上交公安机关外,其余价值7381元的物品被两人私自卖给他人,并侵吞价款850元。 根据二被告人的行为特征符合刑法第155条关于贪污罪的规定,二被告的行为已构成贪污罪。 贪污罪,是指国家工作人员和受国家机关、企业、事业单位、人民团体委托从事公务的人员利用职务上的便利,侵吞、盗窃、骗取或者以其他方法占有公共财物的行为。犯罪主体具有特定的身份,属特殊主体。贪污的对象仅限于公共  相似文献   

根据我国《刑法》第187条规定:玩忽职守犯罪,是指国家工作人员由于擅离职守、不履行职责或者对工作漫不经心、疏忽大意、不尽职责,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为,从玩忽职守的客观表  相似文献   

根据<刑法>有关组织他人偷越国(边)境等相关犯罪的规定,针对司法实践中出现的问题和分歧,就组织他人偷越国(边)境罪,为组织他人偷越国(边)境骗取出境证件罪,提供伪造、变造出入境证件罪以及出售出入境证件罪等相关犯罪的司法认定及适用进行了分析探讨.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国国防动员法》第三十一条规定:"被征召的预备役人员所在单位应当协助兵役机关做好预备役人员的征召工作.从事交通运输的单位和个人,应当优先运送被征召的预备役人员." 一、预备役人员所在单位的职责 本条第一款规定,被征召的预备役人员所在单位应当协助兵役机关做好预备役人员的征召工作.这一规定与国家现行的有关法律规定是一致的.如:《中华人民共和国兵役法》第四十八条规定,在国家发布动员令后,机关、团体、企业事业单位和乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府负责人,必须组织本单位被征召的预备役人员,按照规定的时间、地点报到;《中华人民共和国国防法》第四十七条规定,一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业单位和公民,在国家发布动员令后,必须完成规定的动员任务;等等.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国惩治军人违反职责罪暂行条例》(以下简称《条例》)公布之后,对于现役军人利用职务之便盗窃军用物资的该定何罪,在司法实践中存在着不同意见。一种意见认为应该定贪污罪,因为现役军人利用职务之便盗窃军用物资属监守白盗,符合贪污罪的特征;另一种意见认为属于军人违反职责罪,应该首先适用《条例》,定盗窃军用物资罪。1988年10月中国人民解放军军事法院在《印发(关于审理军入违犯职责罪案件中的几个问題的处理意见)的通知》中指出。“军职人员利用职务上的便利,盗窃自己经手管理的军用物资的,符合贪污罪的基本特征,依照《刑法》第155条和全国  相似文献   

This paper studies a strategic conflict between a state and a non-state military organization. The non-state military organization decides whether to attack or not to attack the state, while the state decides on its counter-measure. If the state uses a high level of violence against the non-state organization, it may be accused by the international community of ‘non-proportional’ use of force, and both sides of the conflict take this possibility into account. The model predicts that it may be rational for the non-state organization to attack the state, even if as a reaction the state will militarily destroy this organization, due to a positive probability the state will be punished by the international community for non-proportional use of violence.  相似文献   

消防责任事故罪在十余年的司法实践中运行的效果并不理想,这既有立法缺陷方面的原因,也有司法操作方面的原因。对消防责任事故罪涉及到的立法和司法方面存在的疑难、争议问题进行系统的梳理,有利于提出改进和解决之道。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外恐怖组织不断实施恐怖性爆炸犯罪,给世界各国造成了巨大的生命和财产损失。恐怖性爆炸犯罪主要有自杀性恐怖爆炸犯罪、交通工具上的恐怖性爆炸犯罪、特定建筑物的恐怖性爆炸犯罪、制造混乱的恐怖性爆炸犯罪等几种类型。防范爆炸性犯罪的主要措施有:加大反恐立法、加强国际合作、严格安检制度、强化基础建设、落实新闻管控和和谐民族关系等。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the social and economic aspects of corruption in Nigeria. Given the increasingly borderless nature of corruption and economic crime, this paper argues that a successful control campaign requires a coordinated response that will fuse domestic and international strategies. While the paper is wholly committed to the strategy of depriving criminals of their ill-gotten wealth, it acknowledges that the success that law enforcement agencies have had around the world in ‘taking the profit out of crime’ has been hitherto unimpressive. Drawing on the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), particularly Article 20, the paper argues that governments in developing economies should adopt the radical strategy of taxing unaccountable wealth and criminalising illicit enrichment.  相似文献   

巨额财产来源不明罪是学界中争议较多的一个罪名。通过考察本罪的客观要件,“可以责令说明来源”不是本罪的构成要件,仅是司法机关调查案件的法定程序,因此,本罪存在自首;本罪的法定刑基本适宜,为便于司法实践,有必要对该罪的法定刑加以细化并设置财产刑;仅靠刑法不能抑制本罪的发生,应完善前置制度等非刑罚措施。  相似文献   

Countries in transition often experience increased levels of crime, making their citizens vulnerable to the exploits of criminals. The lack of reliable statistics hampers the development of sound crime reduction strategies. This essay considers the value of victim surveys as additional sources of information to augment official police data. It presents the findings of such a survey undertaken in Dar es Salaam and compares them with findings obtained in similar surveys of Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg. The information obtained in the survey conducted in Dar es Salaam provides valuable insights into crime rates and patterns. In comparing the results of the survey in Dar es Salaam, some interesting trends emerged around the theft of vehicle parts and vehicle theft, violent crimes, the levels of violence employed in burglaries and the use of weapons. The information gleaned from these surveys will go far in developing crime reduction strategies and measures that will be effective and appropriately targeted.  相似文献   

中介语理论及其在英语翻译教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成年外语学习者在学习第二语言过程中的各个方面都会受到其母语的影响,并且会彤成一种既不同于其母语、又不同于目标语的一种被称为“中介语”的特殊的暂时语言形式。中介语不可避免地会影响到翻译教学,教师在教学过程中应该充分注意中介语的影响,并积极利用中介语理论以促进英语教学。本文将运用中介语在外语学习特别是翻译过程中的影响,分析有关翻译谬误并提供一些可能的解决办法。  相似文献   

This article investigates the correlation of space and time in the clustering of robbery incidents in metropolitan Lagos. Analysis was carried out on 781 selected robbery incidents in 2013. Using the Mantel index to correlate place and time intervals for pairs of robbery incidents, the results show that robberies are respectively concentrated in residential areas, transport nodes and public places, peaking at midnight during weekdays. The results further show that this concentration is most likely greater than what would be expected on the basis of a chance distribution. The study concludes that various factors may exist which cause clusters of robberies to occur in these places at these times.  相似文献   

The Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU) provides for the right of the continental body to intervene in the face of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. According to its formulation, Article 4(h) intervention entails military force, which is triggered when a target state fails to discharge its duty to protect its population from mass atrocities. Although Article 4(h) is an ambitious statutory commitment to intervene in a member state by the AU, the Libyan crisis in 2011 showed the ambivalence of the continental institution to act in a decisive and timely manner. The AU's failure to invoke Article 4(h) exposed the need for building the capacity and political will to intervene and to interpret Article 4(h). Therefore, the primary focus of this article is on how Article 4(h) should be interpreted. Flowing from the Pretoria Principles, which seek to provide clarity on the implementation of the AU's right of intervention, Article 4(h) should be viewed as a duty rather than a right to prevent or stop mass atrocities. The duty dimension of Article 4(h) derives from the international instruments that AU member states have ratified to prevent mass atrocities. Rather than being a paper tiger, Article 4(h) should be used in a proactive and timely manner as a military option available to the AU to persuade member states to prevent or halt atrocities. As a last resort, military force pursuant to Article 4(h) should aim at protecting the population at risk and pursuing the perpetrators in order to avoid contravening Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations (UN). Although military intervention can save lives in the short term, it cannot necessarily address the underlying, structural causes of atrocities, such as ethnic rivalries, economic inequalities and scramble for natural resources, among others. Therefore, the prevention of mass atrocities should not be equated with, or be seen through the prism of, Article 4(h) intervention alone. The focus should instead be on the entire spectrum of preventive strategies at the disposal of the AU in the face of mass atrocities, including the African human rights system and the African Peer Review Mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which the military infringes on the social and political rights of soldiers who joined the Zimbabwe National Army in post-independence Zimbabwe. Contrary to the scholarly and policy debates that present Zimbabwean soldiers as the silent prop behind President Robert Mugabe and the perpetrators of political violence, this paper argues that these soldiers have also been victimised in army barracks. The victimhood of soldiers has been explicit in the ways in which they are forced to execute their duties beyond their professional expectations. In substantiating this argument, the paper explores the unethical military training and the ways in which soldiers are disciplined and punished through Chapter 11:02 of the draconian Defence Act. The paper’s contribution stems from a ‘rights’ perspective that emphasises the right to freedom, justice and protection, which is usually quite silent in the military. But the question is how can soldiers’ concerns be translated into new practices without compromising so-called ‘state security’?  相似文献   

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