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在地震灾区采访,给我特别深刻印记的是那一面面红旗.那一面面飘扬的五星红旗:在救灾现场,在断垣残壁之上,在大企业,在小摊点,在路边,在学校,在医院,在街道,在田间地头,在成片的灾民安置点,在孤独的帐篷旁,在车站码头,在志愿者行列里,在各色人等手中……那大大小小、各种姿态、鲜红鲜红、迎风招展的,是中华人民共和国国旗。5月19日14时28分,天安门广场上,其他所有地方,庄严的国旗降下,汽笛、喇叭、警报鸣响,国人低头默哀。一刹那,仿佛  相似文献   

根治叶河,征服沙漠,建设三线,繁荣南疆。一个规模宏大进军荒原的会战拉开帷幕早在20世纪60年代初,农垦部部长王震在开发塔里木誓师大会上就指出,开发塔里木,农一师在阿克苏,农二师在库尔勒,将来在喀什再成立个农三师。1965年10月,在喀什组建农三师的时机已经成熟,经中央西北局批准,自治区党委决定在喀什组建农三师。  相似文献   

党旗飘扬,红歌唱响。在辽阔北国,在遥远南疆,在2011年的灿烂阳光下,一首首激越红歌,一支支高亢心曲,在城市、在乡村、在社区、在厂矿……在神州大地的每一个角落唱响,亿万华夏儿女把心中最红的歌,献给伟大的祖国,献给伟大的党。 心怀祖国,情系航天。在红色遵义,在爽爽贵阳,在航天园区的习习凉风中,一场场红歌比赛,为火热夏季再添激情;一曲曲红歌经典,  相似文献   

为干部在基层服务叫好眼下,正是"三秋"工作的关键时期,在团场秋收秋耕现场,随处可见领导干部的身影,他们工作在一线、服务在一线,得到了广大职工群众的好评。笔者为干部在基层为职工群众服务的行为叫好。笔者认为,干部在基层,既能及时将兵团、师、团场有关方针政策传达给职工群众,使大家更好地了解和掌握发展方向,又有利于现场解决职工在生产中遇到的一些难题,提  相似文献   

卢兴旺  王野 《政工学刊》2014,(11):79-79
实干兴邦,是习近平总书记对全体党员干部提出的工作要求。干部的工作业绩,应该是踏踏实实干出来的,不是跑来的,也不是要来的,更不是宣传出来的。一切问题,在干中解决;一切方法,在干中探索;一切机遇,在干中抓住;一切成绩,在干中取得。我们是人民军队的干部,工作必须想在前、冲在前、干在前。  相似文献   

正这是一场战争,没有硝烟弥漫、子弹横飞,却险相环生、生死争锋。这里是战场,金三角近在咫尺,毒品渗入内地的"黄金通道"。他们,是一群特殊的军人和警察,在各个角落里出没,直面阴暗和危险,目标只有一个:肃清毒品。他们,有的卧底在最危险的缉毒前沿,有的身着橄榄绿,与毒贩周旋。在这里,没有人可以置身事外,在这里,每一刻都在战斗,战斗,一直并依然在继续——他们在家里,是温和的长者,隔壁家三岁的小儿子都可以"欺负"他,揪着他的头发骑大马。走出家门,他就是一匹狼,在面对每一个"猎物"时,冷静、沉着、果敢、迅捷,一击必中。  相似文献   

在边关,无论是在晨曦还是在暮霭,鹰的展翅就像一面黑色的旗帜.这旗帜是静止的,也是动态的,在守防官兵心里不仅代表一个高度,更是梦想希望的天堂. 当然,在这里,鹰动静之间的风向,永远都是充满诗意和美感的—— 你瞧,在广阔的蓝天里,一只鹰的敏锐就像潜伏在大山隐蔽处的守防官兵,洞察着千里防线,挺举着万里江山.而在刚劲的翅膀上,处处呈现高傲和矫健. 在边防待久了,守防的官兵最喜欢读鹰的桀骜不驯,他们了解鹰都胜过了解自己.在这里,每一个守防的官兵都知道:鹰是最具灵性的精灵,在它们的心里,翱翔蓝天就是最美好的梦想.只要一息尚存,拨云穿雾都是毕生的追求.  相似文献   

在延绵起伏的内蒙古千里边界线上,手机信号大都在"盲区"。有战士这样说,长江的水再长,也流不过蓝色的蒙古高原;移动的信号再好,也移动不过遥远的边界线。人在天边,情在心底。在内蒙古边防服役,官兵们在非边防勤务,训练教育时,干部骨干或哨长还是允许用手机的。然而,远在天边,想用手机搜索点信号有时比登天还难,这可苦了这些年  相似文献   

针对民兵长期流动在外的情况,如何保证建制稳定、管理不散、活动不断,保持教育工作落实,促进民兵凝聚力和战斗力提升?近年来,江西省吉安军分区探索创立了组织在流动中建立,管理在流动中加强,活动在流动中开展,质量在流动中提高,作用在流动中发挥的新时期民兵管理新模式。  相似文献   

思想政治教育过程是主体与客体沟通的过程,教育的效果在很大程度上取决于沟通的有效性.有效的沟通艺术主要表现为:相互信任,在坦诚相见中沟通;主动接触,在细心观察中沟通;彼此尊重,在平等相待中沟通;正视差异,在求同存异中沟通;换位思考,在设身处地中沟通;情感互动,在情理相融中沟通;言行一致,在言传身教中沟通.  相似文献   

This article concerns scheduling policies in a surveillance system aimed at detecting a terrorist attack in time. Terrorist suspects arriving at a public area are subject to continuous monitoring, while a surveillance team takes their biometric signatures and compares them with records stored in a terrorist database. Because the surveillance team can screen only one terrorist suspect at a time, the team faces a dynamic scheduling problem among the suspects. We build a model consisting of an M/G/1 queue with two types of customers—red and white—to study this problem. Both types of customers are impatient but the reneging time distributions are different. The server only receives a reward by serving a red customer and can use the time a customer has spent in the queue to deduce its likely type. In a few special cases, a simple service rule—such as first‐come‐first‐serve—is optimal. We explain why the problem is in general difficult and we develop a heuristic policy motivated by the fact that terrorist attacks tend to be rare events. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   

电感储能高功率微波系统的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了REFORM程序,使用等效电路模型,研究了电感储能驱动高功率微波系统的性能问题。电路中考虑了初级能源,脉冲变压器,电爆炸丝切断开关,同轴传输线,火花隙陡化开关,以及微波二极管负载等。由模拟结果得到了一些有用的结论,即通过电路参数优化可以提高整个系统的效率,进而验证电感储能高功率微波系统方案的可行性。  相似文献   

创建安装程序是一件很简单的事,Vs.net提供了创建安装程序的向导,开发人员能够轻松地创建一个便于用户使用的安装程序。而按向导创建的安装程序没有为用户提供相应的卸载程序或快捷方式,为用户带来许多不便。以示例的形式详细介绍如何在Vs.net集成环境下创建带卸载的安装程序。  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of civil war on military expenditure. We employ two measures of military expenditure: the share of military expenditure in general government expenditure and the logarithm of military expenditures. We would reasonably expect a priori that military expenditure as a share of general government expenditure increases during a civil war and that such increases would taper off over the duration of a civil war. We also explore whether the termination of a civil war induces a decline in the share of military expenditure as a share of the general government expenditure in the short-run. We find evidence the of share of military expenditure increases during a civil war and falls in the year succeeding the end of a civil war, and, in particular, if a war ends in a peace treaty. The level of military expenditures, however, rises during civil wars and does not appear to decline in the short-term after the end of a civil war.  相似文献   


The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) allows states to exempt nuclear material from international safeguards for use in nuclear submarine programs. This material, however, could be diverted for nuclear weapons purposes without the knowledge of inspectors, creating a potentially dangerous loophole in the treaty. This article argues that exercising that loophole today would amount to admitting a nuclear weapon program, making it a particularly poor pathway to a weapon for a potential proliferant. Still, if states like Brazil ultimately exempt nuclear material from safeguards for a nuclear submarine effort, they could set a dangerous precedent that makes it easier for others to use the loophole as a route to a nuclear weapon capability. There are several policy options available to mitigate the damage of such a precedent; most promising is the prospect of a voluntary safeguards arrangement that would allow international inspectors to keep an eye on nuclear material even after it has been dedicated to a naval nuclear propulsion program.  相似文献   

针对体育场存在防火分区面积大、地下车道排烟量大的问题进行性能化防火设计。设计两个火灾场景,从保证人员安全疏散、控制火灾规模和防止火灾大面积蔓延等方面进行分析。提出了可靠的消防设计,达到满足消防安全要求的目的。  相似文献   

We study the supplier relationship choice for a buyer that invests in transferable capacity operated by a supplier. With a long‐term relationship, the buyer commits to source from a supplier over a long period of time. With a short‐term relationship, the buyer leaves open the option of switching to a new supplier in the future. The buyer has incomplete information about a supplies efficiency, and thus uses auctions to select suppliers and determine the contracts. In addition, the buyer faces uncertain demand for the product. A long‐term relationship may be beneficial for the buyer because it motivates more aggressive bidding at the beginning, resulting a lower initial price. A short‐term relationship may be advantageous because it allows switching, with capacity transfer at some cost, to a more efficient supplier in the future. We find that there exists a critical level of the switching cost above which a long‐term relationship is better for the buyer than a short‐term relationship. In addition, this critical switching cost decreases with demand uncertainty, implying a long‐term relationship is more favorable for a buyer facing volatile demand. Finally, we find that in a long‐term relationship, capacity can be either higher or lower than in a short‐term relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

青少年的健康是国家的财富,更是每一个人健康成长和实现幸福生活的根基。有了健康的体魄,就能为祖国和人民作出更大贡献,拥有更加幸福的生活。当前,我国正处于全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的新阶段,教育和体育事业面临一系列新的历史性课题。怎样培养学生对体育的终身兴趣以及学校体育教育过程、怎样帮助他们养成终身锻炼的习惯,这是现代体育工作者要深入思考和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

D运输问题是含离散目标约束的目标规划问题.首先将此多目标问题转化为单一目标问题,使之简化为传统的运输问题,然后使用一种相对简单的方法求解.最后结合一个实例,讨论了D运输问题在物资调度中的应用.  相似文献   

This article distills insights for the scholarship of deterrence by examining the 1983 nuclear crisis – the moment of maximum danger of the late Cold War. Important contributions notwithstanding, our understanding of this episode still has caveats, and a significant pool of theoretical lessons for strategic studies remain to be learned. Utilizing newly available sources, this article suggests an alternative interpretation of Soviet and US conduct. It argues that the then US deterrence strategy almost produced Soviet nuclear overreaction by nearly turning a NATO exercise into a prelude to a preventive Soviet attack. Building on historical findings, this article offers insights about a mechanism for deterrence effectiveness evaluation, recommends establishing a structure responsible for this endeavor, and introduces a new theoretical term to the strategic studies lexicon – a ‘culminating point of deterrence’.  相似文献   

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