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无直接利益冲突群体性事件有5个特点,即间接性、特定性、辐射性、关联性、暴力性.引发无直接利益冲突群体性事件的原因主要有4个方面:一是我国正处于社会转型期,贫富差距突出,矛盾多发;二是基层公共权力机关公信力下降和利益诉求渠道阻塞;三是法律意识淡薄和社会认同感降低;四是心理匿名感和信息的快速传播.研究应对无直接利益冲突群体性事件对策具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

文章运用制度分析的方法,在对军队国有资产运行过程中各行为主体行为及利益进行分析的基础上认为,军队国有资产流失在理论上应界定为国家权益的损失,它是军队国有资产运行过程中各行为主体利益冲突的产物;并指出,作为利益协调机制的制度的效率低下是导致军队国有资产流失的关键因素。因此,提高制度效率是防止和治理军队国有资产流失的关键。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,运用合同制度解决军地交往中的利益冲突问题是依法治军、依法治国的客观需要。文章对军事经济合同管理过程中出现的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应对策:充分认识合同制度的重要作用,切实加强党委对签订合同工作的领导,注重发挥政法部门对合同文本的把关作用。  相似文献   

军队工程项目建设参与主体多、范围广、目标不一致,应在深入分析项目建设参与各方利益冲突原因的基础上,协商订立军队工程项目建设合作关系协议,建立利益冲突协调机制、定期沟通机制和激励奖惩机制,构建合作伙伴关系管理模式,解决利益冲突中的矛盾和问题。  相似文献   

为推进海军舰船保修模式改革以促进舰船维修保障一体化发展,当前急需确定一种更匹配装备售后发展主流趋势与海军舰船采购制度的舰船保修策略.对当前海军舰船保修4种模式进行界定和优劣势分析,以确定海军舰船保修策略的调整方向,在界定了海军当前可以实施的32种保修策略的基础上,利用逻辑决断法判断当前海军可以实施的16种质保策略.重点利用基于交互式谈判解决多方群体利益冲突的方法建立了决策模型,以解决舰船延伸保修策略决策谈判中不可避免出现的多方利益冲突的问题,算例结果显示一维非更新预防性简单舰船延伸保修策略在多方群体决策中胜出,借助决策模型可分析出在群体决策中占据优势的要点.  相似文献   

<正>国防科技产权制度是指关于国防科技有形产权与知识产权的保护、界定、分配、调整、交易和履行等一系列制度安排的总称,它通过产权激励效应、创新主体的构建与结构优化效应、降低交易成本效应、信号显示效应和利益协调机制增强国防科技实力、增加国防科技资源的供给、鼓励国防科技的推广和使用、构建国防科技安全预警与防范系统、协调国内和国际利益冲突,进而发挥维护国防科技安全的重要作用。推进国防科技产权制度建设,笔者认为应沿着创新国防科技产权保护制度、构建国防产权激励制度、完善国防科技产权补偿制度、创新国防科技产权法律制度四个路径。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的逐步深入,军人军属的涉法问题也纷繁多样,从最初的涉及家庭宅基地、债务纠纷和亲属被非法伤害等方面,延伸到企事业单位违反劳动用工制度,经济交往中的利益冲突等。  相似文献   

体制环境不完善、动力机制不完善、利益分配机制不完善、知识产权制度不完善等体制性障碍影响了国防科技创新。必须建立军民结合型国防科技体制、激活国防科研运行机制、完善知识产权制度、改革人力资源管理制度。  相似文献   

不准入境制度是各国出入境管理法律的重要组成部分。为了应对恐怖分子等敌对势力对境内的渗透,我国必须加强对入境人员的审查力度,但同时又要防止因此造成通关障碍。改进和完善我国不准入境制度,使之能在保障国内安全的同时促进对外交往的发展,对我国建设和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

军事人力资本投资风险是军队中制度、机制、利益和感情等系统的缺陷所致,对此,在制度系统方面,要采取科学的投资策略分散风险;在机制系统方面,要提高投资效益减轻风险;在利益系统方面,要通过激励弱化风险;在情感系统方面,要采用柔性手段回避风险。  相似文献   

以利益原则为基础的功利主义倾向是当前政府实践决策的主要选择,这种决策模式不能解决建构和谐社会中公共政策的价值冲突问题。如何更好地坚持和谐本位原则,寻求公共政策价值冲突的均衡,构造和谐的公共政策价值结构,是建构和谐社会的一个重要课题。试图通过寻求公共政策价值冲突的均衡,探求建构和谐社会中公共政策价值冲突的解决办法。  相似文献   

Tobias Ide 《Civil Wars》2016,18(1):69-90
The links between environmental degradation, renewable resource scarcity, and conflict are still poorly understood. One reason for this is the positivist–rationalist bias which is characteristic of the mainstream literature on socio-environment conflicts but has largely remained unaddressed so far. Many studies are therefore unable to utilize insights from environmental sociology, constructivist conflict research, and political ecology. Drawing on this literature and discourse theory, the article develops a constructivist understanding of socio-environmental conflicts. The proposed framework highlights the relevance of discursively constructed identities, situation assessments, and interests for understanding the dynamics of such conflicts. The plausibility of the framework across different contexts is demonstrated by a discussion of the Israeli–Palestinian water conflict and forest conflicts in northern Thailand.  相似文献   

Grand strategic theorists share an historical emphasis on interstate conflict, yet in contrast to the more frequent intrastate conflicts, these represent only 7 of the some 273 US military deployments since 1900. We argue that these intrastate conflicts limit the utility of regional balances of power in mitigating forms of conflict that the US may consider inimical to its national security interests. When considering potential changes to US force posture and grand strategy, American coercive statecraft should be theorised along a broader strategic continuum encompassing the full range of conflict.  相似文献   

由于多智能体系统(MAS)中各个Agent具有自治性、分布性和异构性等特征,导致MAS内部经常会出现冲突现象。首先,运用数学方法对MAS中存在的属性冲突进行形式化描述,并将其分为6类,针对每类冲突提出了相应的消解对策。其次,对属性冲突智能消解系统(AACIRS)流程框架进行了分析,并在此基础上建立了AACIRS系统,实现了MAS中属性冲突的消解。从而为解决MAS中Agent属性冲突提供了解决方案,为MAS的稳定运行提供了技术保证。  相似文献   

国家安全委员会具有“内外兼备”的基本职能,即:将维护国家安全与创新社会治理、创新有效预防和化解社会矛盾体制、健全公共安全体系等内政事务并列并举,在维护国内安全稳定方面也肩负重任。它较之现今的“国安领导小组”更为广泛和重要,是一个应对有别于国家日常工作之外的应急的危机管理机构,是应对可能的、突发的、潜在的对国家安全、利益构成威胁的前瞻性机构。  相似文献   

Although Africa is host to the vast majority (and the most deadly) of conflicts in the world, it would appear that there is a distinct lack of genuine interest in African affairs shown by the UN Security Council and its key members. This paper proposes a 10-level scale of response system to measure the seriousness of the Council in dealing with conflicts. By comparing the Council response with the size and severity of each individual conflict, the scale attempts to assess the Council performance in the fulfilment of its duty to restore international peace and security. The results show that Africa has been (and remains) marginalized in the Council work.  相似文献   

Turkey is the only Eurasian state surrounded in almost a full circle by acute hot or “frozen conflicts,” ranging from low-intensity violence, terrorism to fully fledged wars. The prevailing pattern of intercommunal and interethnic conflicts in the continental Balkans and on Cyprus has long been different from those in the rest of Europe and in the Near East. This difference is closely related to the fact that these lands had experienced in the past centuries-long rule by the Ottoman Empire, whose legal successor is the Republic of Turkey. The intercommunal conflict potential in the rest of Europe used to differ substantially, but the difference has been greatly reduced as Western Europe has, in one respect, become “balkanized.”  相似文献   

论环境侵权之公益诉讼制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《侵权责任法》相关环境侵权的规范简陋而失之偏颇,为捍卫人权、保护环境,本文从环境侵权的理论和现实发展方面,探讨我国环境公益诉讼制度的建构问题,以期对我国环境侵权的相关立法和司法实践有所裨益。  相似文献   


Malawi's political transition from single-party rule to multiparty democracy in June 1994 raised expectations for sustainable peace in the country by, among others, passing a new legal framework that provided for conflict resolution mechanisms and good governance. However, political conflicts that have posed challenges to the foundations of peace and political stability have been a characteristic of the multiparty dispensation, leading to interventions by indigenous institutions whose aim is to build peace. This paper, which is based on field research, analyses the major political conflicts that have occurred on Malawi's political scene since the 1990s. Using the Public Affairs Committee as a case study, the paper illustrates the challenges facing the indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. It also shows that despite the political transition, the socio-political environment still exhibits political behaviour and norms formed during the 30 years of single-party rule. There is a need for capacity-building and deliberate policy to enhance the indigenous-based mechanisms in order to promote sustainable peace in the country.  相似文献   

改革开放初期,随着人民群众利益关系调整和思想观念转变,一些地方相继发生了学生请愿游行、群众械斗、聚众冲击党政机关等群体性事件。邓小平同志从处理改革发展稳定的关系入手,形成了“冷静分析形势、端正处置态度、积极化解矛盾”等处置群体性事件的正确思想和方法,展现出高超的政治智慧。这些思想方法,对现阶段武警部队履行维护国家安全和社会稳定、保障人民安居乐业的职能使命具有很强的指导意义。  相似文献   

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