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从深刻理解数学概念内涵、熟悉数学公式及变式和注重解题过程分析三个方面谈如何有效培养学生的解题能力 ,进而促进学生数学能力的发展  相似文献   

波利亚"怎样解题表"具有较强的实践应用价值。本文以一道经典高考题为例,探索了波利亚的解题理论,具体实践了"弄清题意""拟定计划""执行计划""回顾检验"四个步骤。从核心素养培养的视角来看,在数学教学中坚决执行波利亚的解题理论,有助于学生学会用数学的眼光观察问题,用数学的思维分析问题,用数学的语言描述问题。  相似文献   

在几何教学中,将同种类型的问题进行合理归纳、梳理,进而形成一个基本的图形,对提高课堂效率和学生的数学解题能力有很重要的作用.本文基于平时的教学实践对几何图形的抽取过程进行了提炼和总结,力求对学生认识基本图形、运用基本图形、探究基本图形有一定的帮助.文章主要从平时学生接触比较多的两个基本图形:角平分线与等腰三角形与旋转全等的两个基本图形出发,对解题过程中的思路突破和方法运用进行梳理和归纳.  相似文献   

应用题解题对于提升民族儿童分析问题、解决问题的能力、培养思维品质、锤炼道德品质等方面有着重要作用.调研发现,南疆少数民族儿童的应用题解题障碍包括教学语言(常规语言、数学语言)、问题情境不熟悉、数学知识掌握不扎实、解题思维过程欠缺规范等多个方面.针对上述问题,从加强国语教育、渗透数学文化教育、开发课程资源、培养规范、严谨的解题习惯等多个方面提出了有针对性的对策.  相似文献   

辩证唯物主义认为,任何事物内部都存在矛盾,一切矛盾的东西总是互相联系的,不但在一定的条件下共处于统一体之中,而且在一定的条件下可以互相转化,从而推动事物的发展.数学题中的条件与条件、条件与结论之间存在差异,差异即矛盾,解题的过程,就是不断的有目的、有效地转化矛盾,最终解决矛盾的过程.从这个意义上讲,解题是什么?解题就是转化,就是由此及被的转化,在不断的转化过程中,使问题一个一个得到解决,从而使结果呈现.  相似文献   

教学中指导学生正确使用数学符号、正确运用基本概念、正确运用函数图象以及探索解题思路等 ,可以提高成人《高等数学》的教学质量 ,也可以提高统考的及格率  相似文献   

数学问题的求解,离不开逻辑换的转化。而巧妙的转化就可以给解题开辟途径,以达到化难为易的目的。因此,掌握各类问题的转化变换方法,是提高观察条件、分析题意和提高解题能力的重要手段。例1等轴双曲线x2-y2=a2(a>0)的右焦点为F,点P为右支的上半支上不包括顶点的任一点,则直线P  相似文献   

要想成为优秀的解题者,应善于从不同的角度观察命题的特征,并进行多方联想,解题时的观察和联想,好比我们平常说的"审视度势,深谋远虑".只有"三思而后行"才能"因势利导,得心应手".  相似文献   

评价指标的关联性是评价指标设计中经常遇到且不易解决的问题.首先,对评价指标关联性进行分析,在此基础上,提出指标关联性制约设计思路.之后,从指标体系调整和指标权重转换两种思路,明确制约机理,提出指标关联性制约的算法.最后,以某装备采购评价指标体系为例,对指标关联性进行计算和定性分析,并给出指标并联性制约计算结果,对指标关联性制约设计进行验证,初步证明其合理性.  相似文献   

胡主席在党的十七大报告中指出:"实践永无止境,创新永无止境"。新的形势任务对预备役部队政治工作提出了更高的要求,我们必须积极探索掌握预备役部队政治工作的特点规律,切实拿出新举措着力破解发展难题,全面提高工作的质量和层次。针对预备役官兵构成复杂、人员变动快、制约因素多等特点,要积极改进教育方法,确保党的创新理论在预备役部队基层得到全面贯彻。当  相似文献   

数学思维策略的选择和运用对于数学问题解决的成败起着关键的作用。通过实例介绍了数学问题解决中常用的几种创造性思维策略:逆向思维策略、发散思维策略、直觉思维策略、转化思维策略和联想类比策略。最后强调指出我们不仅要学生掌握这些思维策略,更重要的是要要求学生在学习、生活中经常有意识地去加以运用,尤其是创造性的运用。这不仅有助于今天的数学学习,更有助于学生将来的发明和创造。  相似文献   

数学名题对于数学教育和HPM研究都具有重要的价值。法国数学教育家、数学史家史威兹提出,在数学问题配置与求解中可选择历史上不同时期、不同文化的一些数学名题。在此基础上,我们提出了HPM视角下的问题解决教学这一新课题。HPM视角下的问题解决教学侧重于对历史上所用各种数学思想方法进行比较分析,使学生了解不同文化背景中的数学思考方式,其目的在于培养学生数学洞察力,启发数学思想方法,提升数学思维能力,并可在社会历史文化与数学思维的双重醺陶下,获得数学认知活动的文化意义,在数学教育中实践多元文化关怀的理想。  相似文献   

在分布式环境下,运用移动Agent技术实现大型复杂系统研究中经常使用的特定数值算法求解,可显著提高计算效率。以分支定界法为例,介绍了其设计思想和实践步骤,并对算法的时间复杂度进行了分析。  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for solving a specially structured nonlinear integer resource allocation problem. This problem was motivated by a capacity planning study done at a large Health Maintenance Organization in Texas. Specifically, we focus on a class of nonlinear resource allocation problems that involve the minimization of a convex function over one general convex constraint, a set of block diagonal convex constraints, and bounds on the integer variables. The continuous variable problem is also considered. The continuous problem is solved by taking advantage of the structure of the Karush‐Kuhn‐Tucker (KKT) conditions. This method for solving the continuous problem is then incorporated in a branch and bound algorithm to solve the integer problem. Various reoptimization results, multiplier bounding results, and heuristics are used to improve the efficiency of the algorithms. We show how the algorithms can be extended to obtain a globally optimal solution to the nonconvex version of the problem. We further show that the methods can be applied to problems in production planning and financial optimization. Extensive computational testing of the algorithms is reported for a variety of applications on continuous problems with up to 1,000,000 variables and integer problems with up to 1000 variables. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 770–792, 2003.  相似文献   

数学思维是以数学问题为载体,通过提出问题、解决问题的形式,达到对数学模式结构的本质的一般性认识的思维过程。认真分析数学思维的类型及其特点,培养数学思维的方法。  相似文献   

针对传统舰炮火控系统解命中迭代方法的不足,通过对舰炮解命中过程的分析,推导出了首次解命中和非首次解命中两种情况下精确预估弹丸飞行时间迭代初值的有效方法,进而建立了相应的舰炮火控系统解命中模型。分别对传统方法和新方法进行了比较仿真试验,试验证明,本方法较传统方法精度高,迭代次数少,计算周期短,可有效地提高舰炮武器系统的快速反应能力。所提出的方法对于提高舰炮武器作战效能具有理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

In this article, we study item shuffling (IS) problems arising in the logistics system of steel production. An IS problem here is to optimize shuffling operations needed in retrieving a sequence of steel items from a warehouse served by a crane. There are two types of such problems, plate shuffling problems (PSP) and coil shuffling problems (CSP), considering the item shapes. The PSP is modeled as a container storage location assignment problem. For CSP, a novel linear integer programming model is formulated considering the practical stacking and shuffling features. Several valid inequalities are constructed to accelerate the solving of the models. Some properties of optimal solutions of PSP and CSP are also derived. Because of the strong NP‐hardness of the problems, we consider some special cases of them and propose polynomial time algorithms to obtain optimal solutions for these cases. A greedy heuristic is proposed to solve the general problems and its worst‐case performances on both PSP and CSP are analyzed. A tabu search (TS) method with a tabu list of variable length is proposed to further improve the heuristic solutions. Without considering the crane traveling distance, we then construct a rolling variable horizon heuristic for the problems. Numerical experiments show that the proposed heuristic algorithms and the TS method are effective. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   

当前,综合性大学高等数学教学中普遍存在着学生学习兴趣不高、学习动力不足、教学方法单等问题,为应对上述问题,我们给出高等数学"情境—问题"教学模式。该教学模式的特点是基于有效问题情境的创设,最大程度地激发学生的学习积极性,将质疑提问、培养问题意识、提高分析问题解决问题能力、提炼知识背后的深刻的数学思想等方面贯穿教学的全过程。该教学模式很好地贯彻了"以人为本"的教育理念,真正将学习的权利交还给了学生。  相似文献   

This paper investigates certain issues of coefficient sensitivity in generalized network problems when such problems have small gains or losses. In these instances, it might be computationally advantageous to temporarily ignore these gains or losses and solve the resultant “pure” network problem. Subsequently, the optimal solution to the pure problem could be used to derive the optimal solution to the original generalized network problem. In this paper we focus on generalized transportation problems and consider the following question: Given an optimal solution to the pure transportation problem, under what conditions will the optimal solution to the original generalized transportation problem have the same basic variables? We study special cases of the generalized transportation problem in terms of convexity with respect to a basis. For the special case when all gains or losses are identical, we show that convexity holds. We use this result to determine conditions on the magnitude of the gains or losses such that the optimal solutions to both the generalized transportation problem and the associated pure transportation problem have the same basic variables. For more general cases, we establish sufficient conditions for convexity and feasibility. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 666–685, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10034  相似文献   

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